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    You didn’t have any
  • From Pendant que Perceval tombait, by Tania Langlais, translated from French by Jessica Cuello

    you don’t know how to write with lightness
  • My Surly Heart

    You don’t know what lives
  • A Lean-to at the End of the Galaxy

    You fire a fiction deep into my brain
  • Apology to My Husband’s Snore

    You goosehonk, one-note oboe or contrabassoon.
  • from The Seven Deadly Sins

    You had always expected a sonnet from me
  • She Painted Artichokes

    You had nothing to say so you painted some splendid artichokes
  • The Wars Between the Wars Between the Borders that Were Not There

    You had to know how bad the Nazis were
  • Paramouria & You Do What You’re Good At

    You know (you think), and then
  • This Moment

    You know when darkness seems to pour
  • It Will Start One Day

    you know, it will start one day, the ebb
  • Signaling to You

    You live with a young leopard and a poem levitating in the gravitational landscape.