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  • Exclusive Beautiful Grapheme War

    history means touch, bodies

    History sings “misery, misery.”
  • Barn Red

    Home alone, I swirl on scarlet lipstick and forget that I did,

    Honor System, the sign tacked to a scrub oak said,
  • November

    Hours ago I was walking with my dog down
  • George Orwell Sucks

    How can a word evocative of so much pleasure,. both adult and infantile, find itself used – by almost everybody – in
  • Cave Milk

    How can it be Tomaz? How is it
  • On a Version of “Lady with Lapdog” | Synch

    How clever, to leave out all the articles, thereby suggesting their story, their plight, were less a story than a portrait
  • Letter to a Young Orgasm | Elegy for the Last Orgasm | The Orgasm and the Magic Maid

    How could she not cry out when you pressed her to your flesh?
  • Want

    How do I want you? Let me count the ways.
  • Reading About Keith Jarrett This Morning in the Paper and Ode to the Table of Contents

    how he probably won’t play in public again
  • And Now, As Promised

    How lousy are your prospects when you