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  • Madame Bovary, c’est moi

    If we were all as kind to each other
  • Silent Night & Pleasure

    If you dare to let yourself out
  • This Could Happen

    If you kept walking you would eventually step out of yourself.

    If you’ve heard the cant of the auctioneer, the
  • Mid-March

    If, when I sit here in my study
  • A Few Estrogen Stories to Help Balance the Scales | Beasts of Burden

    Imagine half a million Vietnamese up to their heinies slogging rice paddies for a year, and you have the salary of the
  • The Old Thoughts

    Immersed, called forth—
  • Sequoia

    Immune to lightning and Arctic cold,
  • A Series of Small Scandals and Dear Telephone Booth,

    Imogen photographed her new husband:

    In “Burning of three witches in Baden, Switzerland,” dated to 1585, three women lie on a large pyre watched by a circle of men.
  • The Wind Cried Mary  

    In 1967 when Hendrix coaxed, Are you experienced?
  • The Etymology of “Alaasa” [علاسة]

    In 2006, the word