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  • Poems from My Deathbed (and Just Beyond)

    More than ever cherishing
  • Four Square and Enthralled

    Mornings I’m grateful to my nightly self
  • Notes on a 39-Year-Old Body

    Most internal organs jiggle and glow and are rosy
  • Poems for the Absent One

    Mother death,
  • Woman, Man, Tepoztlán

    Mother, today I met a man.
  • “Flüchtige monde” / “fugitive moons” translated from the German by Joscha Klueppel

    mountains recall their flock of birds. the dear birds,

    Mournful Sunday afternoons in winter,

    Mr. Darcy talks to the same woman
  • Three Poems

    Mud to your waist. Beside you, six men probing with broken
  • A Controlled Substance

    My brother is late again, somehow the glass
  • Elegy & Brooklyn, 1957

    My brother told me we would join the Wide
  • My Courbet, by Jonathan Galassi

    My Courbet