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  • Melancholia & Trouble in Mind

    On the periodic table, it is the densest of elements. It does not refract or reflect, but absorbs all
  • Lily of the Forest

    On the slopes of Mt. Ślęża, the cult
  • A Provisional Topography | One of the Many Stories of Sounds | Sooner or Later

    On the Weichsel River, before the war. You see
  • Two poems by Adélia Prado (from Miserere) translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Ellen Doré Watson

    On what might be called a street,
  • House of Sorrow, Vessel of Anarchy, I Will Not Name It Except to Say, Golem

    Once I made a box to put a man in.
  • The Unmet Lover

    Once I saw you in a freight elevator
  • Things forgotten

    once in another city,
  • Impressionist

    Once it was declared awful because it was brilliant
  • Nudes I & II

    Once she crosses the threshold

    Once through an ancient stage door, past a sign
  • from Brexit suivi de la migration des murs (Les Éditions Diable Vauvert 2020) Translated from French by Nathan Dize and Siobhan Meï

    Once upon a poster, let’s call it
  • Once We Were

    once we were immigrants