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  • July Saturday Night 

    Now I’m going to walk downtown to Cape Tip Sportswear
  • Creek

    Now it is easy to find where the creek dwindles, where it thickens at last, where its
  • The Fortieth Day | Pussy Riot/Want/Don’t/Want

    Now she called forth nights of a different kind of brilliance when the moon wrapped every thing with light—
  • Big Finish

    Now that the last shaft of sunset has collapsed
  • Transfer

    Now they tell us
  • Flour, Eggs, Milk, Baking Powder, Salt and God

    O Best Beloved, tell me, if you know, why—
  • From Rainer Maria Rilke’s Die Sonette an Orpheus / The Sonnets to Orpheus translated from German by John Rosenwald

    O fountain-mouth, you gift-giver, you mouth
  • Ode to the Paper Clip

    O knot in two dimensions,
  • Fake Lemon Tree on a November Day in a Boat Depot in Chelsea

    O lemon tree, how you emerge, distinct from everything
  • Woo | Red Rover

    O life little life little sawdust fleck I thought we’d go on riding hip-to-hip
  • Fado Tropical

    O mundo do rio
  • Is a Rose

    O’Keefe’s opens in the troposphere, blooms like smoke.