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  • Wool Cap

    Flip is coming for dinner, I hear his car driving past the house. 
  • Pink is the Navy Blue of India

    Flea market guy tells me the pornos are five dollars
  • BUD

    Five years of nothing. Then, one night she calls
  • Train to Naples and “It’s Awful Plain”

    Five ceramic half-ducks flew up the wall.
  • Broadcast

    Five blank days of snow,

    Five a.m.—the soft percussion of the rain
  • Between the Bed and the Window

    First, the light, which is always
  • Little Torch

    First there was delight, delight in the windchimes,
  • Of Weeping

    First there is the weeping one weeps when one reads a good poem,
  • Barrage Balloons, Buck Alec, Bird Flu and You

    First there is the weeping one weeps when one reads a good poem,
  • Story of My Species

    first she was in the ocean
  • Liquidation

    Final closeout, clearance sale, you said: