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  • Prizefighting

    $25 Cleaning Fee
  • the midwest sheds its skin

    & leaves it clinging to a fence post
  • A Brief Portfolio

    “What is truth?” Pilate asked.  Before Jesus could answer Pilate was on his way out the door.
  • Three Poems

    “Today we shall begin discussing Longinus’ treatise On the Sublime.”
  • Undertaking

    “It is certainly strange
  • Phone Call: Lesson in Style and The Story of Civilization

    “Everything feels all swollen and puffy, like my brain
  • A Brief Portfolio

    “Digital streaming, brother, rates of flow in time
  • Therapon, III, 5 

    …you whose waters never breathe   whose
  • Corona & At a Time Like This

    A miniscule David without
  • In Case the Messiah Comes

    In Case the Messiah Comes   Split screen city. East doesn’t go West and West doesn’t go East. Occupied neighborhoods, buildings on buildings on dust of history.   Ramat Shlomo Haredi new homes with their backside to Shuafat. The Red brick headquarters model of 770 Eastern Parkway rising amid the white stone–in case the Messiah comes and wants to live

  • Two Poems by George Seferis, translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg

    George Seferis, Two Poems,  translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg     Holy Saturday   Tomorrow, the brilliant light of Easter. It will rain, but at least we won’t be in the office. The lambs, in the oven, remind me of a huge nursery.   Korce, Albania 5.1.1937     Μεγάλο Σάββατο   Αύριο Λαμπρή. Βρέχει αλλά δε

  • Venn Diagrams

    Venn Diagrams   X-rays, muons, ultraviolet radiation— X-rays can diagnose fractures in the skull; muons can map spaces inside the pyramids at Giza; ultraviolet radiation kills bacteria in well water—in a Venn diagram, circles overlap. An array of sharpened pencils in a cup; cars parked at a casino; along a trail, small puffballs—these clusters manifest chance; and, pondering three who