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  • Shin Issues | Flash Flood

    Probably you have shins.

    Just at that point
  • Shooting Pool in the Mental Hospital

    Because memory is not the hovering bank shot that stops at the lip
  • Shore

    Not stone, among stones,
  • Shot | Total Eclipse

    Don’t be distracted by
  • Shoulder

    She flies south to visit me
  • Showering Behind the Zodiac’s Curtain

    When blue hangs around me, I am
  • Sicily, 1992

    Etna’s lava shone against the gloom,
  • Sidewinder

    You say I rudely cut her off, that you had to apologize,
  • Sieverts and Joules | Plate 136     Butter Lamp With Moths

    Maybe there’s a new way to be nuclear, not using rods with their troublesome impermanent cladding, their
  • Sign Language I & II translated by Kareem Abu-Zeid

    It’s not that I
  • Signaling to You

    You live with a young leopard and a poem levitating in the gravitational landscape.