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  • Wild Yeast & Kiss and Tell

    What color is Shakespeare?
  • Wilderness

    The mind is a wilderness like Bartram’s, razed, cemented over, marked by rows
  • Wilhelmina Shakespeare

    Blond hair, blue eyes, buck teeth:  we taunted you
  • Will flames lap? Leap? | The Country Stairs

    Will flames lap? Leap?
  • Willem Van de Velde the Younger, Ships in a Gale (1660) and Matsumura Goshun, Crab (late 18th century)

    The storm dissolves the difference between wave,
  • Willie Mays Lives at Adjacent Moments in Time

    Because he would be seen
  • Willing

    Hidden from all mothers’ eyes by blinded windows

    to be Wilser Lopez. So be Wilser Lopez
  • Wind, Blue Sky

    I am practicing being
  • WINDOWS (after Baudelaire)

    You never see as much in an open window as you will looking at it when it’s closed. 
  • Winkles & Dillisk

    Does he suspect the boys
  • Winter | Untitled

    Let this winter pass into another winter.