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  • Car le Vice by Tomaž Šalamun translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

    Car le Vice, rongeant ma native noblesse
  • Car Trouble

    I watch the engine start to burn
  • Caravaggio’s Supper

    They were tired and hungry when they found themselves just outside the village now known as
  • Carbide

    As he approached the river a little Fiat drew off the main road and parked among
  • Cardinal

    The drill of its song    the whoop whoop whoop
  • Carl’s Barbershop

    The peppermint stripes spinning
  • Caroline

    One day they took him in a car all over the country and he
  • Carpe Diem

    You won't live
  • Cassandra

    Some days I could go quietly into the spot where
  • Cataclysmic Paternity

    There’s the you at birth and the you that’s taught and the you you concocted.

    Angel of the gap thrills to floodwaters
  • Cave Milk

    How can it be Tomaz? How is it