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  • A Brief Portfolio

    I said goodbye to a friend who left a hole filled
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Theatre people who know suppose them to bring good luck.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    As if overnight, the flowering pear tree
  • A Brief Portfolio

    “Digital streaming, brother, rates of flow in time
  • A Brief Portfolio

    have heard through some trembling of their web
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I was in sixth grade when I twirled Stephanie Comb’s
  • A Brief Portfolio

    A detail like a grave
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Not built to just do it
  • A Brief Portfolio

    “What is truth?” Pilate asked.  Before Jesus could answer Pilate was on his way out the door.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    the afternoons are perfect
  • A Brief Portfolio

    When the light goes out, and the book is set down
  • A Brief Portfolio

    He’s nowhere now.