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  • First Communion, forty-two and the unnamed

    I shall sit here, on this bench,
  • Firing My Father’s Mossberg

    At the shooting range,
  • Fireworks or Gunfire?

    It’s just somebody sighting his gun—

    Evenings when the children
  • Fifteen Essays on Boats, Boats, Language, and the SS

    The Palermo Airport is not large.
  • Field Dressing

    Dispatch animal
  • Fidelity

    Heaven-selvage, twilight eyelet opened
  • Ferns  | Cycle

    Wind thrums
  • Feral

    Ex. A house. A trampoline. A raised garden bed. A Ford Bronco. A Cabbage Patch doll

    Listen: mute bells peal
  • February Elegy with Tulips on a Glass Table

    It’s the yellow dust inside the tulips.
  • Feasts for the Blind | My Dear Menshevik

    That year it rained crows. Birds fell out of the sky in midflight.