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  • Two poems by Tomasz Różycki translated from Polish by Mira Rosenthal

    Hello? If you can hear me, give a sign, a call,
  • Two poems by Silvia Guerra, translated from Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas

    Pray gather me, Anemone
  • Two poems by Sandra Moussempès, translated from French by Carrie Chappell and Amanda Murphy

    A house stands out from the rest of the forest, emptied of its occupants for centuries
  • Two poems by Rafael Alberti translated from Spanish by Lorna Shaughnessy

    Already, a year asleep, some one not waiting
  • Two poems by Natalia Toledo, in trilingual translation (Zapotec to Spanish to English)

    Mantis mantis I want to know
  • Two poems by Muyaka bin Haji, (1776—1840)

    When she lays eggs, they’re not nurtured even if brooding them succeeds.
  • Two poems by Louis-Philippe Dalembert translated from French by Nancy Naomi Carlson

    dune of a beauty
  • Two poems by Krystyna Lenkowska translated from Polish by Cecilia Woloch

    When I was young
  • Two poems by Katja Gorečan (from The Sufferings of Young Hana /Trpljenje mlade Hane) translated from Slovenian by Martha Kosir

    hana likes to sit on the balcony when it rains.
  • Two Poems by Julia Nemirovskaya translated from Russian by Boris Dralyuk

    The thought that we might
  • Two poems by Jan Wagner translated from German by David Keplinger 

    when you are digging in the wardrobe
  • Two Poems by George Seferis, translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg

    George Seferis, Two Poems,  translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg     Holy Saturday   Tomorrow, the brilliant light of Easter. It will rain, but at least we won’t be in the office. The lambs, in the oven, remind me of a huge nursery.   Korce, Albania 5.1.1937     Μεγάλο Σάββατο   Αύριο Λαμπρή. Βρέχει αλλά δε