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  • Throne Verse

    Two years of cinders built up in the hearth,
  • Threnody and Sylvia Plath

    The train coach, Jean—empty except for you,
  • Three Stages of Friendship and Grief

    I was wondering if your eyelashes had fallen out
  • Three prose poems by Marie Lundquist translated from Swedish by Malena Mörling

    Three prose poems by Marie Lundquist translated from Swedish by Malena Mörling   The nights when you practice tenderness, the air like a skin around the words. On top of the crest: the dripping udder, red currant breast, rowanberry blood, and the blush of the apples. The sun is leaping in Leo and Virgo. Such is the month of harvest,

  • Three poems translated from the Polish by Piotr Florczyk

    At night we stood together on guard,
  • Three Poems translated from Chinese by Steven Bradbury

    The ancient Greeks believed that if you took everything
  • Three Poems translated from Argentinian Spanish by Lorena Wolfman

    Entering the house from the back without letting anyone know,
  • Three Poems Translated by Brian Henry

    I’m not my own bacterium,
  • Three poems from The Abduction by Maram Al-Masri, translated from French by Hélène Cardona

    I hugged him
  • Three poems from Kembang Kertas (Balinese for bougainvillea) in Filipino and Kinaray-a

    Here, we are told
  • Three Poems from a Work in Progress

    Deer in the backyard, Schubert’s ninth
  • Three Poems from “Where Are the Trees Going”

    Inhabited uninhabited house subject to the air’s structure