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  • Queen of the Lot

    When was the last time I watched The Letter
  • Qinghai and Tengchong

    a prayer flag rolls around a heap of round stones
  • Q&A for Keyhole and Mammogram Hair

    After my reading to high school students
  • Q&A

    When you take off your mask, what is your true address
  • Purity | A  Withered  Rose

    Amazing solitude.
  • Puritan Watc, Yonder and Birthday

    Longitude was the great mystery
  • Purge

    The Aryan Jesus, in Hitler’s painting

    Showers of snow geese.
  • Pull Off on Old Lyme Road to Fuck

    Because I would have given everything for you to want to talk to me you remain the sound of street lamps
  • PROTECT YOUR HOME (Interpret It Well), a short film with music by Ches Smith

    The composition has two movements, one slow and one fast.
  • Proof of Poetry

    I wanted first to end up as a drunk in the gutter
  • Promiscuous and Thanking My Breasts

    Promiscuous is what my mother