Issue #147 November 2023

Barn, Lake George (1936),  Alfred Stieglitz. Original from The Art Institute of Chicago.

  • The Poem as Lightvessel: A Dialogue on Poetry and Community with Kelli Russell Agodon by Amanda Newell

    You are such an accomplished poet, and I have so much I want to talk to you about, but first...
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • From AfterTalk

    Dumuzi spoke: “My sister, I would go with you to my garden
  • Portrait of My Father as a Snake

    I was dead. The hospital around me
  • Little Poems, ed. Michael Hennessy Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets Series, reviewed by Amit Majmudar

    All anthologies are arbitrary, but some are more arbitrary than others.
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • Girl Talk: How a Sumerian Princess Jumpstarted Poetry by Barbara Hamby

    When I was a girl, I’d fantasize about the lives of biblical women—Queen Esther, Ruth, Jezebel, Bathsheba, the Queen of Sheba, Mary Magdalene.
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • Keith Flynn | Frank Paino

    A swan only sings one time.
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • Same Screen

    Every summer the students at the Bread Loaf School of English
  • Blueprint and Ancient Story

    The poem I want to build needs a vestibule
  • A Brief Portfolio

    have heard through some trembling of their web
  • Two Poems

    Where does it live?
  • November

    Hours ago I was walking with my dog down
  • The Consultation Business

    If I consult the Philosopher’s Tarot to guide my thought
  • Mourning and Melancholia

    If I had two dogs,
  • The Color I Take

    All day the green had soaked me
  • Ambition and House I Didn’t Mean to Build

    In excess always, gorged
  • Shaughnessy, Scates, Donnelly, et. al.

    Lorna Shaughnessy on translating Rafael Alberti: I have been reading Alberti’s poetry since I was an undergraduate, and included it…

    Issue #147 November 2023
  • Two poems by Rafael Alberti translated from Spanish by Lorna Shaughnessy

    Already, a year asleep, some one not waiting