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  • The gift of putting something down…

    The gift of putting something down, he had yet to discover it--letting it slide from his grip.
  • Riddle

    The chair is not far from the bed
  • I’m Going to Bed When You Go to Bed

    Let someone else learn the borders of every country’s will,
  • Objects in Mirror Are Larger than They Appear

    That beautiful girl on a bicycle smoking a cigarette:
  • Portrait | The Traveler

    Recollections of my infancy: a patio in Seville,
  • Joint Effort

    Let the hunchback lie hump down
  • Olney Hymn

    not my li-
  • Another case of sitting still in a room as for chamber music minus | I’m sure some animals negotiate and plea.  I’m sure there’s a hard winter’s compromise | Lou Reed sings “Berlin,” a voice that has in it paradise if paradise was broken

    Another case of sitting still in a room as for chamber music minus
  • Sidewinder

    You say I rudely cut her off, that you had to apologize,
  • Leaving the Big City

    So afterward I sat by the bosphorus blue water and many dazzling
  • Husband-Watching Height

    That’s my fear, turning to stone.
  • Note to Thomas Stearns Eliot

    I just dared to eat