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  • Pierantonio on Being Married to Artemisia Gentileschi the Night She Dances the Ballet: War of Beauty War of Love, 1612

    You broke through a bouquet
  • Eating the Madeleine

    I remember the scut of it:
  • The Minefield and Uncanny Daddy

    In the hospital after so strangely
  • Hotline

    The calls came in around the clock. A nunnery in Nova Scotia with a broken clavichord.
  • Piano Epistemology, Apostrophes and Beauty

    I’m pretty sure this piano exists,
  • Dear— and On Misreading a Line by Mario de Andrade

    Scorch splinter shard and itch  Dear glitch
  • Venn Diagrams

    Venn Diagrams   X-rays, muons, ultraviolet radiation— X-rays can diagnose fractures in the skull; muons can map spaces inside the pyramids at Giza; ultraviolet radiation kills bacteria in well water—in a Venn diagram, circles overlap. An array of sharpened pencils in a cup; cars parked at a casino; along a trail, small puffballs—these clusters manifest chance; and, pondering three who

  • The Reckoning and 3AM

    Shadows stretch across the pine floor
  • Two Poems translated from the Arabic by Khaled Mattawa

    I told myself, why not
  • August 3rd

    After twenty horrific minutes, I think she
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Not built to just do it
  • First Communion, forty-two and the unnamed

    I shall sit here, on this bench,