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  • From Bajo la lluvia ajena (In Foreign Rain) by Juan Gelman, translated by Lisa Rose Bradford

    On the tiers of experience.
  • Confession Therapy and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

    One summer, as I was cleaning out the grooves in my palm, I was living in a monastery.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    What goes with you, cured meats,
  • Willie Mays Lives at Adjacent Moments in Time

    Because he would be seen
  • Autobiography and Primo

    long before I wanted a drink     I wanted a drink     and it’s been
  • Three poems by Nadia Mifsud translated from Maltese by Miriam Calleja

    abracadabresque this silence spreading sorrow
  • Brasserie and An Annunciation of Blue

    We’re somehow in Closerie des Lilas,
  • Translation

    Food is a door you have to open
  • Three Poems

    His Majesty’s flock of Spanish sheep at Kew is most grievously afflicted...
  • Four Poems

    One was dicing an onion,
  • Sicily, 1992

    Etna’s lava shone against the gloom,
  • Three poems by Li Suo translated from Chinese by Lucas Klein and Henry Zhang

    the cemetery east of river bank road