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  • Sestina

    The time is naturally over. It is another morning. Lie
  • Shot | Total Eclipse

    Don’t be distracted by
  • Undelivered letter from the Rev. Charles Smale to The Times, 1874 | Xiuhmolpilli, or The Binding of the Years, November 1507*

    We have spent too long debating Darwin in these pages
  • Personal Life | I, Too, Arrived Here in the End | Godard

    The universe is vast and boundless
  • Little Night Owl

    For hours I’d lug her on my shoulder,

    I am walking along the dazzling ruin of a road I knew
  • Plait

    When I first knotted my hair against the coming of winter, I had grown tired of playing jacks and didn’t yet find boys
  • small town saxaphone

    men in rain, thin and fine halos of hair,
  • She Dog | Mermaid

    A ticky rain of blood from

    In an ancient park, isolated and icy,
  • How to Get Divorced

    STEP 1: For 20 years, swallow everything. Eat until you are the heaviest pillow on the
  • A Lean-to at the End of the Galaxy

    You fire a fiction deep into my brain