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    Once through an ancient stage door, past a sign
  • from Brexit suivi de la migration des murs (Les Éditions Diable Vauvert 2020) Translated from French by Nathan Dize and Siobhan Meï

    Once upon a poster, let’s call it
  • Once We Were

    once we were immigrants
  • Tom’s Sublet and Without Longing, What?

    Once, a long time ago in Rome, I was bathed
  • On Breathing and Not Breathing—The Sequence

    Once, a man stopped breathing
  • January in West Texas

    Once, I preferred nights. How they arrived one tied to the next like silk scarves, knots of daylight between them. I
  • The Beautiful American Word Baby

    Once, I wanted it growled low in the throat
  • Lost Tails, City of Money and Counting the Money

    One day our tails fell off and lay at our feet like giant dead caterpillars.
  • Caroline

    One day they took him in a car all over the country and he

    One day they took him in a car all over the country and he hid in his
  • Calendars Do Not Hold Fortunes

    One day you're old and thankful. One day
  • Like Body

    one light series    discrete