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  • Feasts for the Blind | My Dear Menshevik

    That year it rained crows. Birds fell out of the sky in midflight.
  • Husband-Watching Height

    That’s my fear, turning to stone.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    the afternoons are perfect

    The air of the day abhors us
  • Before | Ode to Late Autumn, Auvillar

    The American poet died of head trauma
  • Three Poems translated from Chinese by Steven Bradbury

    The ancient Greeks believed that if you took everything
  • Olympia

    The ancient Greeks knew how to pick out a sacred spot,
  • The Death of Erik Satie

    The arches aspire to points
  • Bodies on the Margins

    The artist understands blood; or rather
  • Purge

    The Aryan Jesus, in Hitler’s painting
  • Night World | The Gentle Soul

    The barbed-wire vines
  • The Barricade

    The barricade measures two meters high and twelve meters wide