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  • Life Pig

    The hams the hocks the oddly delicate
  • Pacemaker

    The heart in vital meter recites.
  • Arête | Eurydice

    The Hemingway who wrote three stories in a crummy hotel
  • Petrarch’s Poem 269, from Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, translated from Italian by Lee Harlin Bahan

    The high column and the green laurel
  • Elegy for a Landscaper

    The holes we find scraped out at the edge
  • Stone Arabia

    The horses bisect the field
  • What If a House Could Draw its Own Blueprints? and The Decision

    The house grows wild, floats
  • Human Condition

    The human condition isn’t some grinning
  • Against Surrealism | Anima

    The human heart weighs ten ounces, but I don’t know if it can float. I don’t suppose it makes sense to say I feel like
  • In God’s Intestine and Goner

    The husband, who has accepted Buddhist precepts,
  • American Upanishad (IV)

    The I is a pillar,
  • In the Vestibule

    The in-between is queasy