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  • Odyssey to the Self: Seven Minutes with Susan Rich and Nancy Mitchell

    When my mother took out the small skillet, black and flecked
  • Uncle Yehuda Sharvit Between Marrakesh and Draa

    When my uncle Yehuda got drunk
  • When We Make Lifelines, the Universe Breathes a Little Easier

    When night becomes heavy, I break a hole
  • Tails | On the Other Side

    When our tails fell off, we had nothing to wag or wave behind us, nothing to curl up or
  • Two poems by Muyaka bin Haji, (1776—1840)

    When she lays eggs, they’re not nurtured even if brooding them succeeds.
  • Rain Sonnets

    When the bear finally arrives, he’s starving. He wants whatever’s in my little blue basket, the Tupperware and the
  • A Brief Portfolio

    When the light goes out, and the book is set down
  • Old Man Swimming

    When the Old Man of the Sea shapeshifting on the bottom
  • Zacharia, Malachi

    When the shepherd is stricken
  • A Different Origin

    When the snake in Eden approached Eve
  • The Wayfarer

    When the wings of the triptych are open as
  • Could Someone Please Check on My Mother?

    When the young man thought about the history of poetry