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  • To a High Aircraft | Palazzo Maldura

    While now by slow degrees
  • Ekaterina Derisheva’s “in the ‘war’ mode” and “Houses Discuss” translated by Tatiana Retivov

    while they sort out who helped more
  • While

    While we were kissing that year, the icebergs were sleeping,

    White Gladis, Gladis Clara, Gladis Filabres, Gladyi Tarij,
  • Who Are You?

    who are you? the effect of well fed herds?
  • WHO did the blue school

    who bruised the wound
  • Honor Guard

    Who does this body
  • Brothers

    Who eats with a jaw half-cranked with counterweight
  • Mother of Invention | The Butcher Coat

    Who first fashioned fishnet stocking
  • Notes From Sick Rooms

    Who really wants to be a caregiver?
  • L’Heure Bleue

    Who was the first to say darkness “falls”?

    Who’s there? I can’t seem to make out anything or anyone. Is