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  • Rondeau and Song

    She would have yawned to see a Pharaoh’s fall,
  • Rose-Scented Lotion | Blue

    The level of rose-scented lotion daily
  • Rubbish Heap translated by Sasha Dugdale

    I haven’t the strength to sing of you, resplendent rubbish heap!
  • Rue Delambre

    As soon as the plane takes off the city
  • Ruler of Everything

    The Ruler of Everything proclaims blood-colored
  • Rune

    Not timber or bronze or iridium, not the old habits of species at a waterhole or the short
  • Sack

    Ancient river bed hacked and carved whittled deep
  • safe / harbor / rehab

    you said your eyes
  • Salgado Maranhão’s “Mythic Ground” translated by Alexis Levitin

    For the living, this is the ground,
  • Salons

    Your friends are all sitting
  • Salvation, in B#

    Bigtime Baltimore, new
  • Same Screen

    Every summer the students at the Bread Loaf School of English