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  • Vermeer in Greenlandic Norse

    We were stopped in the gallery’s cool
  • Vernissage

    Survivors of a volcanic explosion, cross-
  • Vesper

    The sky is blue for reasons other than atmospheric ones.
  • Vesuvius

    No gazette ran the story,
  • View From a Shrinking Floe

    Beyond the boats freed from the dripping ice
  • Virginia Woolf: Three Fragments (1910)

    i.How much must we carry with us? Must we bear the souls of errand boys, drovers, butchers in bloody smocks, the
  • Visiting Gertrude Stein in Père-Lachaise

    Her stone is not the largest.
  • Visitor’s Coming

    I’ve laid out

    Having just arrived, we are walked down a moonless
  • Vita Nova

    Born on the outskirts of the Romanian kingdom
  • Voicegrass and Incantation…translated from the Swedish by Bradley Harmon

    the word the night bore
  • Volumes

    Certain mornings you can catch the sound