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  • Pathetic Fallacy

    Jog through this suburb at a blue hour
  • Paying a Blind Man to Wash and Wax My Car

    Maybe they’re right, friends who mock me,
  • Pedestrian Interval

    The trick in all of this is to build well--
  • Pensé Que Estabas Muerto

    but your deaths existed the nights you didn’t come home.
  • Pentimento

    Meet me by the shadows & ponds of light where
  • Perfect Air

    Put book down
  • Personal Life | I, Too, Arrived Here in the End | Godard

    The universe is vast and boundless
  • Perspective and Day Sex Ode

    I have often confused the expression center of gravity, first
  • Pet of the Week

    Oh, Salsa, I too

    The summer I bought Pet Sounds at G.C. Murphy’s, I hadn’t gone a block from the store when on impulse I smashed
  • Petrarch’s Poem 269, from Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, translated from Italian by Lee Harlin Bahan

    The high column and the green laurel

    Whenever we were out on the dance floor, I always looked at your face, while you looked downward, inward, at