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  • God-Box

    They give us a white cube, a paper box,

    No mind, no form, I only exist;
  • Goat Theology

    Those who deny everything, yet want,
  • go ahead, flash your badges

    good, the heart is closed now
  • Glimmer Train | Strike-Slip

    Redwinged blackbirds in the cattail pond—
  • Glare

    It just goes so fast,
  • GIVING HER 100%

    There is a world where
  • Given Plums

    Early July my sister and I filled two sacks of plums from our orchard. We shook each tree until the ripest orbs fell
  • Gifts | The List

    Books, your books, and blocks
  • Ghosts

    The first time I saw him he was standing
  • Ghazal, After Ferguson

    Somebody go & ask Biggie to orate
  • Ghazal with Bread

    how many summers apart from you, in search of bread