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  • Faust 1972

    This time, Faust was a nursing mother --
  • Fatherless Daughters

    In Springtime, abandoned daughters burst like myopic butterflies with binoculars
  • Father Enters the Water | Please Mr. Wasp | Ageing

    In life, he would walk into the water slowly until it reached his waist and stand there for a while, his arms out to the
  • Father and Analysand

    Shy in houndstooth, white hair and a smoke
  • Fat

    I saw that I was fat and walked and walked toward a desert only to find a case of (not light) beer.
  • Far Country

    When you were in that country
  • Family Way

    In my family, when any one of the women of my grandmother’s generation dreamt of fish she would get on the phone to
  • Family Once Removed and Who Cooks for You?

    I like to be alone

    My uncle stares at the TV throughout
  • Family

    None of my friends called their grandmother Nana.
  • False Darkness

    I need the sun to be setting
  • Fallow Ground & Geometries of Exile (or)

    your washboard hands