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  • On Beauty and To the Phaistos Disc

    I have a tree outside my house. I don’t know what kind—in spring, it blooms, gorgeous.
  • On a Version of “Lady with Lapdog” | Synch

    How clever, to leave out all the articles, thereby suggesting their story, their plight, were less a story than a portrait
  • Olympia

    The ancient Greeks knew how to pick out a sacred spot,
  • Oloid and Pareidolia

    Saturday, awake to the raw April outside. A dream that was on my tongue is gone with a swallow.
  • Olney Hymn

    not my li-
  • Old, Two, Not, Wrote

    letters to an old poet
  • Old Tunes, Politics, Karma & Career

    Took the afternoon off from the dozen things I’m supposed to repair, respond to, or maintain around the yard, and
  • Old Sweater | Alongside

    On November 21, in late afternoon, I open the bottom drawer of my bureau
  • Old Man Swimming

    When the Old Man of the Sea shapeshifting on the bottom

    I too have my stack
  • Old Lithographed Landscape & Woolgathering

    A causeway wavers all the tilted days

    I’m one who tells old husbands’ tales, not wives’,