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  • Madonna in Blue

    An aneurism in the sun, a gravity-wave.
  • Madame Bovary, c’est moi

    If we were all as kind to each other
  • Lyre

    Because it hangs from the center of the sky,
  • Lush & Fair-Flung

    You’re thinking of drunks,
  • Lunette 15

    I came into the world through a wound
  • Lüneburg Station, April 30, 1976

    It’s 5:45 am, sleepy car-landscape
  • Love Talk | On the Way to the Casinos

    What the boy heard his older sister say—
  • love sonnet to aliens | Putin statue project

    the known universe is self-referential: it has no choice.
  • Love Poem | Birthday Cake

    It’s an alliance,
  • LOVE HAS BIG TEETH | Route 140, Sixty Miles North of Winnemucca

    You, in New Hampshire,
  • Loud Walk in Fall | Regret

    There is something else
  • Lost Tails, City of Money and Counting the Money

    One day our tails fell off and lay at our feet like giant dead caterpillars.