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  • A Few Estrogen Stories to Help Balance the Scales | Beasts of Burden

    Imagine half a million Vietnamese up to their heinies slogging rice paddies for a year, and you have the salary of the
  • Cry

    Bring back our dresses untorn
  • Fret Not

    Opening the door for the first time since
  • Labyrinth (Lear)

    A poorly timed abdication. A madness
  • Necromancy

    Squeeze the shadow.
  • Wolf Wine Bar

    Two years ago, maybe even two and a half
  • Passing Royalty and Dostadning: Beginner’s Translation

    I’m sorry I didn’t comprehend sooner how threatening
  • Uncle Yehuda Sharvit Between Marrakesh and Draa

    When my uncle Yehuda got drunk
  • A Lean-to at the End of the Galaxy

    You fire a fiction deep into my brain
  • Lightning Streak of White

    Black streets, black sky with orchid clouds.
  • On Being Mused Upon

    Reading his poems, you recognize yourself

    The invitation reads: