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  • Alien Valley

    I’m sick of prodding the infinite,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    As if overnight, the flowering pear tree

    Near the end, her mouth was pinned down
  • Nudes I & II

    Once she crosses the threshold
  • High Finance

    You looked up and saw across the field
  • GHAZAL 4

    How sullen we’ve become in the belly of the empire;
  • A Woman in Damascus That Year | While She’s Asleep In Baghdad

    Her soul’s in my hand and she knows I’m there
  • The Fruit Bat of Taxidermy

    Whoever the taxidermist was,
  • Relapse

    I loved bar light,
  • Sweet Nothings

    I whispered to your offered ear
  • Dear Lucinda Williams and Dear Jules

    A power in proximity to terror, the lower middle-class sublime of a car’s back seat,
  • My Lovely Garonne

    Because every tenth poem or so the poet described