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  • Three poems from The Abduction by Maram Al-Masri, translated from French by Hélène Cardona

    I hugged him
  • Signaling to You

    You live with a young leopard and a poem levitating in the gravitational landscape.
  • Turd

    Twelve inches, specific as a nail,

    God we need rain. And white flowers.
  • Blond for All the Boys

    Frank Ocean didn’t mean anything to me till Dave said check
  • Miss Favour, or Dear rsmith@gmail.org

    Hello Dearest, My name is Miss Favour,
  • Just Before Sunset in December

    It must have something to do with the angle of the earth
  • Embraced

    I have visited an ancient redwood and heard it creak
  • Snow Day, by Jerome Sala

    The camera in the other room points and clicks
  • For Night to Fall

    You could tell from the start that the best
  • The Park from Above

    What scared them? Scores of wild green parrots
  • Aspect

    The spirit’s simulacra have obtained