Issue #73 August 2017

  • Redeye | The Window’s Water

    that never sets,

    Gone, even the singing fountain, here
  • End of the Century

    We’ve slept too long, and that hasn’t stopped the incidental warping—
  • Instruction on Driving with an Orgasm | Napoleon’s Hat

    Look both ways before going out for a spin. And ease onto the road. Take careful note of the speed limit and
  • Sky

    What you draw as a blue stripe high above
  • Sestina

    The time is naturally over. It is another morning. Lie
  • Shot | Total Eclipse

    Don’t be distracted by
  • Undelivered letter from the Rev. Charles Smale to The Times, 1874 | Xiuhmolpilli, or The Binding of the Years, November 1507*

    We have spent too long debating Darwin in these pages
  • Personal Life | I, Too, Arrived Here in the End | Godard

    The universe is vast and boundless
  • Pablo Neruda: New Translations

    Sarah Green, Tomás Q. Morín, and David Young   “Soul Arborist”: Two Translations of Pablo Neruda’s THE HEIGHTS OF MACCHU PICCHU…

    Issue #73 August 2017
  • Emily Grosholz: Do I write as a Woman Poet, or as a Poet who is a Woman?

    Do I Write as a Woman Poet, or a Poet who is a Woman? When I was a child, I…

    Issue #73 August 2017
  • Little Night Owl

    For hours I’d lug her on my shoulder,

    I am walking along the dazzling ruin of a road I knew
  • Plait

    When I first knotted my hair against the coming of winter, I had grown tired of playing jacks and didn’t yet find boys
  • Editor’s Note

    August: and you’ll be pleased to discover, Readers, that you’ll be spared another chapter in the ongoing Lawless saga. Instead,…

    Issue #73 August 2017
  • Mark Cox: Sorrow Bread: Poems 1984-2915 & Bill Knott: I am Flying Into Myself

    n the final stanza of “Joyland,” a poem teeming with amusement park ephemera, Mark Cox’s playful account of a mini-golf…

    Issue #73 August 2017