Featured Selection

  • Dick Allen: Of Mountains, and Bird’s Nest Soup, and Charles Lindberg

        Of Mountains, and Bird’s Nest Soup, and Charles Lindberg   Someplace in my life, in the back of my mind where there’s a small kitchen, I began to notice similarities between names of Chinese paintings and names on Chinese menus.  Here are some of these actual names:   Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains Seafood with Bird’s Nest Loquats

    Issue #54 January 2016
  • Christopher Buckley: The Half-life of Revolution—Particle Physics, History, Baseball and Baby-Boomers.

        NM:    Chris, I can’t tell you what a kick of pleasure, as well as a kick in the gut, this boomer is getting out of The Half-life of Revolution—Particle Physics, History, Baseball and Baby-Boomers. The upshot, so unabashedly bleak, is somehow redeemed by your unique perspective, wit and craft.  Against Carl Sagan’s mellifluous lullaby “We are made of

    Issue #53 December 2015
  • Marc Vincenz: SIBYLLINE

        NM: Marc, I’m amazed by the prodigious imagination, intelligence and skill that permeates so much of SIBYLLINE. The narrative arc of this poem spans the emergence of the Italian Renaissance out of the darkness of the medieval era: the Black Death to the Baroque period, which marked its end—O, the arcs & the swirls.  You’ve impressively managed a dual

    Issue #52 November 2015
  • Adam Tavel: Catafalque

     NM: Your poems in this selection are in traditional or variations of traditional form, as are many of your poems in your recent book Plash & Levitation, the 2014 winner of the Permafrost Prize Series Award from the University of Alaska Press. AT: All of the poems here are from my new manuscript, Catafalque, which is almost entirely comprised of

    Issue #51 September 2015
  • Allison Adelle Hedge Coke: A Folio of Indigenous Poets

    What luck the incoming U.S. Poet Laureate, Juan Felipe Herrera, recently reminded us that “the audience is half of the poem.” In this timely folio, Craig Santos Perez, Jamie Natonabah, b: william bearhart, Alice Rose Crow~Maar’aq, Trevino Brings Plenty, Sara Marie Ortiz, Crisosto Apache, Collestipher D. Chatto, LeAnne Howe, Linda Rodriguez, and Rain Prud’homme-Cranford Goméz and Duane Niatum bring a

    Issue #50 August 2015

    As both our schedules had been whipped into a froth by a wicked spring semester’s tail end, and as poet David Clewell’s window of internet access was limited, rather than the volley of e-mails typical of my Special Feature interviews, we had an “old skool” real-time phone conversation!   And I’m so happy we did, as otherwise I would have missed

    Issue #49 July 2015
  • Carol Moldaw: Dew Point

        Dew Point     Because of the nipple crust riming a girl’s breakthrough poem, I google Quetiapine.   From one student I learn what robotripping is; from another, the names of clouds:   diamond dust, sundog, fallstreak halo. At dew point, vapors collect, condense,   become visible, classifiable: cap and banner, cloud-bow, fog bow, crepuscular ray—   yet

    Issue #48 June 2015
  • On Philip Levine

    A few weeks ago, a thought occurred to me, regarding how, one last time, to wave good-bye to the great Philip Levine, the so-called “Poet of Work.” (For more on that moniker, please see Christopher Buckley’s wonderful essay introducing Phillip’s poem “Belief” in this Issue’s Editor’s Note; you won’t be disappointed.)   So I emailed some Plume contributors. My query

    Issue #47 May 2015
  • Nin Andrews: The Continuing Adventures of “O”

          Mitchell: Hey Nin! I’m getting a serious kick out of this feature. How did you come (no, we will not stoop to such low lying pun-plum) upon this idea for this particular installment in the continuing adventures of O?   Andrews: As you might know, the first book I ever wrote was The Book of Orgasms. Ever

    Issue #46 April 2015
  • Luljeta LLeshanaku: Homelands

        Nancy Mitchell: Hi Ani and Luljeta!  What a great treat to chat with you both about these amazing
 poems. Thank you! Ani Gjika: Thank you and Daniel for the opportunity! NM: I’m wondering, Luljeta, as you write poetry in other languages do you write in English as well?  If so, was there a particular aesthetic objective in having

    Issue #44 February 2015
  • Daniel Bourne and Tadeusz Dziewanowski: Reading Between the Lands

      Reading Between the Lands: An Introduction to a Poetry Road Trip Through Northern Poland   As an “author’s photo,” I offer a description of myself standing on the edge of a sandy road in the little village of Sasek Mały, in the middle of the Mazurian Lake District, a region similar to northern Minnesota or Wisconsin, with a little

    Issue #43 January 2015
  • Five South African Poets

          Introduction This is a vast country with such a mixed and turbulent political and social history – all of which has, necessarily, contributed its own elements to the poetic life of the nation – that it simply cannot be encapsulated in this short space. South Africa boasts eleven official languages, every one with its own rich blend

    Issue #42 December 2014