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  • Naked City

    Apprehended in Herald Square carrying the head of his sister-in-law
  • Paean for the Players

    The pale actor’s mouth
  • Oak | Installation

    I sat at it, a good table—one of a number

    Falls and stays flemished,
  • A Few Estrogen Stories to Help Balance the Scales | Beasts of Burden

    Imagine half a million Vietnamese up to their heinies slogging rice paddies for a year, and you have the salary of the
  • Undersong

    lintel/cromlech, arch & splay
  • Untitled

    it's harder to be patient when you're helpless
  • A Few Years After a Death

    Toward sunfall, when I begin to count
  • As It Happens

    As it happens, there was nothing left, so much to do, a plethora
  • The Good Hand

    Often, without warning, my left hand
  • Gusto

    Skin the asparagus for their lives,
  • The Last Orgasm

    Sometimes I think of the innocent live