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  • This Moment

    You know when darkness seems to pour
  • Bending Truth to Advantage

    From Robert Lowell’s poem “Those Before Us,” these final lines: “Pardon them for existing.
  • August, Hinge

    How would you describe these pandemic days,
  • Sequoia

    Immune to lightning and Arctic cold,
  • On Chanukah

    Isn’t fire itself
  • Shakedown, Sleeping Mother and The Touch

    On Main Street, two cops stop me in front of the tire store. One is big and burly and the other is lean
  • The Village Crow

    The village crow knew everything—
  • Chekhov’s Gun

    Atonement means nothing to a cook
  • Before Summer Rain

    Then, out of the green of the grove,
  • Winter Morning and Ceci n’est pas un pot

    I can easily imagine someone always doubting before he opened his front door whether
  • Lamentations

    America    more guns    more    than us
  • Zone 

    This ancient world finally leaves you weary