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  • Doing Sudoku on September 11, 2016 | Mini-Golf

    Confusion hadn’t yet released its poisons
  • Let the Dead Bury the Dead

    Surely she would want to hear one final song, something from the Carpathians, something folkloric about flying

    There are firm ones.  Soft, almost boneless ones.  Hardy/hearty ones.  Two-handed ones, cocooning.  Congratulatory
  • Lava Lakes and Petrified Forests in the Afterlife

    I watched a roomful of faces exert effort to remain unrevealed
  • Good Stuff | A Love Letter from Larkin

    There’s some good stuff on Youtube, someone writes.
  • Moss City

    City down to the last nuance is moss,
  • A Sampler

    As you hold your breath, like a watchman waiting for sunrise. Let’s replace immediacy with a swift cataclysm, replace
  • Redeye | The Window’s Water

    that never sets,

    Gone, even the singing fountain, here
  • End of the Century

    We’ve slept too long, and that hasn’t stopped the incidental warping—
  • Instruction on Driving with an Orgasm | Napoleon’s Hat

    Look both ways before going out for a spin. And ease onto the road. Take careful note of the speed limit and
  • Sky

    What you draw as a blue stripe high above