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  • What I learned from ‘Saved by the Bell’

    Only half a dozen people actually exist
  • Winter Landscape with Bird Trap

    Only sparrows fly down, crows wait in treetops.

    Only with such care could history take form.

    Open door, high cistern, wooden loo seat
  • Fret Not

    Opening the door for the first time since
  • Snow, an essay and The Day After the Day Without a Yesterday

    Or, the winter I kept being turned into a pillar of salt.
  • To Anything at All

    Our father who is neither ours nor a father but farther and nearer,
  • Rome/Glasgow: Early March

    Our favorite time to visit—cool air for all-day walking, in
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Our first time at the Sistine Chapel, prior to the restoration, the colors were dulled,
  • Paradise

    Our little vacation town in Spain is packed.  The driving, slow. Things have changed
  • Three Poems

    Our lives are so brief, she says,
  • Liebfraumilch, Scale and Season

    Our new son, fallen asleep