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  • Christmas Nineteen-Sixty-Something and Notes from My Doppelganger

    By that time we were hanging the tree from a hook
  • Ana Varela Tafur translated from Spanish by Yaccaira Salvatierra

    By the banks or the center of a river,

    By the meadows of hay bales
  • A Brief Portfolio

    By then I was leaving,
  • Ocean Park

    Call this landscape abstract if the world’s splendour
  • Three Poems

    came, still in her cremation box, when we threw her
  • From Night, by Ennio Moltedo, translated from Spanish by Marguerite Feitlowitz

    Can we go on like this?
  • Car le Vice by Tomaž Šalamun translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

    Car le Vice, rongeant ma native noblesse

    Carry her the way it has to hurt:
  • That ancient Egyptian poem

    Carved on a pillar—
  • Ödön von Horváth | Brief Incident in Short a, Long a, and Schwa | My Friend’s Creation | Contingency (Vs. Necessity)

    Cat, gray tabby, calm, watches large, black ant.  Man, rapt, stands staring at cat and
  • Volumes

    Certain mornings you can catch the sound