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  • In a Valley & Theorems of Reason

    Hello to the theorems of reason, hidden
  • What Almost Killed You

    Hello, my  name is a long drive home from the bar
  • “Denise to the Rescue” and “Needs Art”

    Hello, this is Denise, your Poem Advocate DO NOT
  • Two poems by Tomasz Różycki translated from Polish by Mira Rosenthal

    Hello? If you can hear me, give a sign, a call,
  • A Photo Of My Father That Doesn’t Actually Exist and Take The Body From The Ground

    Her clothing says Old Europe
  • A Woman in Damascus That Year | While She’s Asleep In Baghdad

    Her soul’s in my hand and she knows I’m there
  • Visiting Gertrude Stein in Père-Lachaise

    Her stone is not the largest.
  • A Nocturnal Upon Saint Charles Yeager’s Day

    Here comes that sonic boom
  • Between Poems | It Was | Było

    Here in this moment before the perfect poem
  • Uncle

    Here is the man who tells you
  • A God | A Poet | “Facesti come quei che va di notte…” | The Mocking of Ceres

    Here lies a god who was obtuse, just like us.
  • Cache

    Here lies a hectic site, la Cité