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  • Streak, Exit Survey and Against All Endings

    A jackknifed semi full
  • She Leans

    A house: scoured and scarred by wind, its unpainted
  • Two poems by Sandra Moussempès, translated from French by Carrie Chappell and Amanda Murphy

    A house stands out from the rest of the forest, emptied of its occupants for centuries
  • Apologetics

    A host of angels or a compass of cherubim
  • Received Wisdom

    A horse fence
  • Holy Day

    A holy day
  • Melodrama

    A gunshot: the trigger so light
  • The Last Photograph

    a golden shovel on the opening line of Gwendolyn Brooks’ “To Prisoners”
  • A Flash of Lithe White Arms

    A flash of lithe white arms
  • The Invention of Everyday Life

    A few days later Pierre arrived.
  • Like Warm Ice Cubes

    A father is like warm
  • You Have to Lead the Sheep

    A dream struck a dream