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  • A Convalescent Bed in a Field of Yellow Tulips

    Your wires trail into a gopher hole.
  • A Date With an Undertaker

    He liked to bathe, dress,
  • A Demitasse of Extinction

    So funny how that uncanny, unfunny man sought you out on a rainy day in Istanbul—you were in earshot of the bazaar and smoking a hookah, and, of course, it was Ramadan.
  • A Different Origin

    When the snake in Eden approached Eve
  • A Fable: The Floss-Silk Tree and the Philodendron

    In Brazil they call the floss-silk  palo borracho
  • A Face, A Cup

    The thousand hairline cracks in an aged face
  • A Few Estrogen Stories to Help Balance the Scales | Beasts of Burden

    Imagine half a million Vietnamese up to their heinies slogging rice paddies for a year, and you have the salary of the
  • A Few Years After a Death

    Toward sunfall, when I begin to count
  • A Five-Years-Late Note to Jake Adam York

    In Chicago, where the light plows over the lake into convention
  • A Flash of Lithe White Arms

    A flash of lithe white arms

    You want to fathom me,
  • A Gaze Hound That Hunteth by the Eye

    It’s not criminal: it isn’t sodomy