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  • A Hole in My Backyard

    I get very nervous, I admit.
  • A Lean-to at the End of the Galaxy

    You fire a fiction deep into my brain
  • A Love Letter from Larkin | Chemotherapy

    Dearest, while waiting for my cheese to melt
  • A Love Poem While Dissolving

    I’m trying to say I love you, but Buckminster Fuller declared
  • A Meeting

    Of all the disappointments

    It was late in the year and late in the day,
  • A Nocturnal Upon Saint Charles Yeager’s Day

    Here comes that sonic boom
  • A Nun to be Named

    I’ve been thinking about the nun who wouldn’t let me pee in fifth grade.
  • A Photo Of My Father That Doesn’t Actually Exist and Take The Body From The Ground

    Her clothing says Old Europe
  • A Pittsburgh Bakery in Winter

    Into Prantl’s, on Walnut Street,
  • A Place

    As a foreigner, I wasted a lot of energy
  • A Poem and Two Fables

    The breeze this morning pulls on the surface of the bay,