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    They are pulverized into earth
  • How Sad

    Their kisses were bitterly thin,
  • How Self-Consciousness Counts

    Why in hell should anyone understand
  • How the West Was Won and Crack in the World

    Build a garage on the roof
  • How to Get Divorced

    STEP 1: For 20 years, swallow everything. Eat until you are the heaviest pillow on the
  • How to Pray

    Falling down on your knees is the easy part, like drinking
  • How to Topple a Kingdom

    Read overly-detailed novels.  Prefer
  • Human Condition

    The human condition isn’t some grinning
  • Human Technology

    Sunlit & dangerous, this country road.
  • Hungarian Lesson and Snow Rapture

    In Hungary, you know something like the palm of your hand,
  • Hunger Abstract

    A black cat
  • Hurdy Gurdy

    Like a grumbler who claims a five year old