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  • On the Way to the Acupuncturist

    In the wrong lane, the slow one—
  • On Thumbing Through Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation

    And what of the bird-headed dwarfs
  • On Time | Parallel Universes | After a Winter Storm: Grand Unified Field Theory

    The light years
  • Once I loved an opera singer from Spain

    for 15 days, maybe 20.
  • Once We Were

    once we were immigrants
  • One and a Half Poems

    Well it began with a microburst from the North when the moon
  • One for André Breton

    Always for the first time
  • One of a Series

    My daughter sees the sky from another angle, slate-blue reflected in a lake called living. 
  • One poem from “claus and the scorpion”

    over lara and among the laras that inhabit lara

    Speech a tremble,
  • Ophelia

    Where stars sleep on the calm black waters,
  • Ophthalmology

    No me miras, she said, hiding her face,