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  • 80 Words for Rosmarie Waldrop at 80

  • 36.

    A woman was choked by a metal shackle
  • 3:14 PM

    This blue pen I am holding
  • 1945

    The winter trees offer no shade no shelter.
  • 05-08 | 07-03 | 07-24 Three from The Ringing of the Rain has a Forgiving Grace

    We all become the raindrops’ filling in the blanks
  • [There was the way his mother]

    There was the way his mother called him baby-faced that made me defensive.
  • [The Porcupine Left Its Hovel]

    The porcupine left its hovel
  • [I encircle you] translated by Sasha Dugdale

    I encircle you as a zone of mountains, granite corona
  • [from the volume 4 A.M. Domestic Cantos, Casa de editură Max Blecher, 2015]

    There will be people and they will push the world further.
  • (Blessed Are) They Who Preserve

    These glass jars are houses for little Human Acts.
  • (…) | In Your Land

    Let your heart beat like a gnat in an autumn lamp,
  • “October, and the sun burnishes”

    October, and the sun burnishes the leaves so brightly you